Last night I was really thinking hard about my future, and I remembered a promise I made with myself and the Lord. I promised that I would be faithful and do all that the Lord asks of me and I will marry in the House of the Lord. I will marry my best friend for all eternity within the walls of the temple.
President Dieter Uchtdorf reminded me of that promise this evening in his talk to the sisters of the Relief Society all over the world. I knew he was talking directly to me, when he spoke of the beautiful little flowers, Forget Me Nots. He gave a list of 5 things for us to never forget, like the 5 petals of the flower.
{1} Forget Not: to be patient with yourself
We need to patient and compassionate with ourselves, and not compare ourselves to others, because we all have strengths and weaknesses. Even the smallest acts of kindness, though they may go unnoticed by others do not go unnoticed by God. It's okay to not be perfect, the road to perfection is long…do not punish yourself!
{2} Forget Not: the difference between good sacrifices and foolish sacrifice
We can give up something good for something of far greater eternal worth. Am I committing my time and energy to things that matter most? Dedicate time to scripture study and prayer and service.
{3} Forget Not: to be happy now
We must stop waiting for the golden ticket that holds the key to the happiness we are looking for. We shouldn't put our happiness on hold. Never stop striving for the best that is in you. Don't close your eyes and heart to the beauty that is all around us.
{4} Forget Not: the why? of the gospel
We sometimes overlook aspects of the gospel. The gospel is not an obligation it is an opportunity and a light that leads us to eternal life.
{5} Forget Not: that the Lord loves you
Let His divine love into your hearts, increase in faith and righteousness and treasure the gift of service. We are not forgotten!
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